Saturday, April 16, 2011

Heart Disease

By: Nasrullah Nurdin

There is an Arab proverb says: Likulli Dzi ni'matin mahsudun. This sentence has the basic meaning that everyone who is given the pleasure there must be who does not like. In other words, someone will be defamatory if there are friends who get happiness. So instead, he feels happy when her friends get trouble.

Envious or jealous of other people is one of the most dangerous liver disease, to the extent that in a hadith of Prophet SAW confirmed that the disease can eliminate our good deeds like fire consuming firewood. (Narrated by Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah).
In this life, we are required grateful for any overflow of bounty which Allah bestowed upon us. The order was contained in his words, "And (remember well), when your Lord proclaimed, 'Verily, if ye are grateful, surely We will add (favors) unto you, and if you deny (My favor), it is my doom painful '. " (Surah Ibrahim [14]: 7).

Based on these Divine Kalam, should we be grateful for whatever we have, to borrow a phrase prominent motivator Mario Teguh, grateful and happy with what we are. Happiness and sadness (difficulty) in this life we ​​must accept and we live happily. Prophet taught the world problems we have to look down, because it is very possible there are still many of our brothers who still slumped portrait of life below us. As for the problem of the hereafter, we are commanded to look up in order to stimulate us in doing acts of worship to Allah SWT. We must measure the quality of our worship with others, to make us closer to Him.

Envy is a spiritual disease disease that must be removed far within us. This spiritual disease is more dangerous than physical illness. Therefore, before "viral liver" is more severe in undermining our hearts, then as early as possible we should have "anti virus" a powerful way to eliminate them.

First, thank God Almighty for the blessings that have been given him, as has been described above. Second, always remembrance to the divine. Dhikr can be done in some circumstances, both crowded and quiet.
By saying the sentences toyyibah expected this jealousy vanished from our hearts and replaced with a sense of tranquility.

Because of remembrance is a form of psychotherapy that can be used as a powerful therapy to cure a variety of spiritual disease. Allah says, "(They are) those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, only the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." (Ar-Ra'd [13]: 28).

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