By: Ibn Tiangfei
Here's a story worthy of us think together. A story that could be advice and motivation, especially for us who is now a chief or leader. Most of the contents of the following story quoted from the book 'Exemplary Stories for Families: sharpeners Spiritual Intelligence' with the author Dr. Mulyanto and publisher Gema Insani Jakarta.
Once, Umar Ibn al Khaththab r.a. buy a horse. At that time he had become Commander of the Faithful. After the contract of sale occurs, then Umar led the horse away from his new place of the seller. Then he tried to ride his horse in the following manner. However unfortunate, the horse was injured. His heart that he should restore the horse because he thought that the seller had been deceived.
However, the seller refused to accept the horse back to the horse from the Commander of the Faithful. Then, if Umar ordered that the seller of this horse was captured? Or she filed false allegations to that person? Apparently not at all!
Umar would accept the claim of the seller of the horse. The plaintiff insisted that he should choose a judge to handle their case. And indeed, the seller chose Syuraih horse, a judge known to justice. Omar had to sit in a chair convict a suspect.
Then the judge issued a decision that Omar was found guilty. The judge said, "Pay the horse that you buy or return the horse was in a state as before (without injuries)."
Omar responded to the judge's decision with a sense of joy. He stared Syuraih saying, "This court should it".
After the incident, Umar ordered not to imprison the judge. Nor has accused him of collaboration or in the language now 'kong-kalikong' with the horse seller or accusing or accused him of endangering state security by a series of other allegations that are made more slander. Precisely Umar raised the judge is a judge in the region Kuffah as awards for the offense.
Although Umar at the time plays as a Commander of the Faithful, a peak positions are more or less equivalent to the president at the present time, he never applied and explicitly reject the 'moral hazard' in the system of government. For example, while a ruler and then to act without restraint, while the authorities then felt that whatever he was doing was right and should not be blamed.
Indeed according to Omar is a leader as a servant for the people-people. Whatever is desired by the people, for it is good, pemimpinlah should first try to make it happen.
As in an interesting story, when Umar Ibn Khaththab ra monitor the state of his subjects are around, he was shocked and felt guilty because there are still a handful of people who are experiencing hunger disaster. Without waiting for a long time, he shouldered his own immediate basic needs such as food for distribution to the starving people. Although as a Commander of the Faithful, he was not embarrassed to do it all. Instead, he felt embarrassed if there are people starving, while the belly is always full.
How beautiful a country if you have a leader like Ibn Umar ra Khaththab Leaders who have the humility to be willing and able to be servants to the people-people, leaders who not only give priority to the needs of his stomach, a leader who will listen will of the people, leaders who want to admit any guilt. Hopefully these stories can be advice and motivation for us all, so in the future can print leaders such as Omar Ibn Khaththab ra.
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